Come meet Christian author Lakesha Monique Ruise, author of Thy Kingdom Come: The Error-Proof Church

Title: Thy Kingdom Come: The Error-Proof Church
By: Lakesha Monique Ruise
A Christian Book Review
Review date: February 22, 2013
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Thy Kingdom Come: The Error-Proof Church by Christian author and ordained minister Lakesha Monique Ruise speaks of the Spirit of Error that has beguiled many.  From the beginning in the Garden of Eden, the Spirit of Error was used of Satan to deceive Eve.  Adam then disobeyed God by also eating of the forbidden fruit.  The author portrays this event from Genesis as the springboard for Satan's work in the world.  The book is written to give understanding of the Spirit of Error that is in the church and the world.  Once an understanding is known, believers will be able to understand their true identity in God.  We were created for dominion over the Earth.  God desires to bring His Kingdom to Earth through us.  Find out what that means and the power that is available to believers that obey and believe…only then, can we see and know how to walk being led by the Holy Spirit.  Thy Kingdom Come is written from much revelation received by the author from the Holy Spirit and is written to those believers that want to be fully sealed with the Holy Spirit and acquire the power that is available to those believers that seek full revival in their lives and in the world around them.  This writing is an amazing and enlightening read that will fill you with a longing to see, "Thy Kingdom Come."

After an eight-year journey being led and taught of the Holy Ghost, this book was birthed out of revelation from God concerning His Church on Earth through the author.  The identity of those in Jesus Christ has been long been kept in chains by the Spirit of Error, who is Satan.  By first giving understanding of the fall of Adam, the author unveils, exactly what Satan stole from man.  This book will take the reader through a fascinating read of the supernatural and spiritual forces that have played a part from the very beginning.  Taking the reader through biblical accounts through Genesis to the baptism, testing and crucifixion of Jesus, the author has unveiled strategic tactics that spiritual forces have been assaulting the human race with since the beginning.

In the end, one will find that reading this book will ignite a desire to fulfill the destiny of God in their life.  True understanding and identity will be revealed, to include specific instructions as to how to acquire the full authority and power of the Holy Spirit.  This book is not for insincere or immature believers, but for those believers that desire to please God fully.  This is not a quick fix, but a book that is full of the truth of the Word, and a scriptural guide on acquiring the leading of the Holy Spirit to become more Christ-like minded and Spirit led.  This book is not only eye-opening, but a highly recommended read for those that desire more of the Spirit led life and desire to see the Lord's Kingdom manifest on Earth.   

For more information about author Lakesha Monique Ruise and her book, visit Thy Kingdom Come: The Error-Proof Church … You may also get your copy of Thy Kingdom Come: The Error-Proof Church on Amazon in paperback, in Kindle Edition and at Barnes and Noble.

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