Low-Dose Naltrexone: Beating the Grip of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with LDN - by Chris Tatevosian.
Why is it that Multiple Sclerosis sufferers are rarely told about this safe and successful treatment to stop or slow disease progression in MS ? Great question! I would like to share my findings and perspective, but who am I ? My name is Chris Tatevosian, published author, columnist, internet radio host and motivational speaker. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1980 as a freshman in college. Since that time I have been through a plethora of treatments, of jabbings and stabbings… oral medications, IV medications plasmapheresis, chemotherapy, ABC drugs, including the latest and greatest. Where has all this gotten me? Well, I was stinging myself 40 to 60 times a day with honeybees. While proving to be entertaining for the masses, friends and family, I gave up on my buzzing friends after going through this process for three years with some pretty incredible symptom improvement, which drastically diminished after about three years.
But what about Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)? Let me tell you a little about LDN, this one little capsule taken at bedtime is the protocol I've been following for more than three years. It has certainly slowed any progression I may or may not have had over that time. I have not experienced any relapses during the time that I have been taking LDN. I can't say that LDN has completely stopped the progression of MS, but it surely has made any progression that I have experienced unnoticeable. So let me tell you a little about LDN.
Millions of people suffer from the devastating effects of multiple sclerosis so wouldnt it be awesome if LDN could be the next untapped solution for this multitude? Unless you're on the Internet you likely would have never heard of LDN. That's because some doctors are afraid that LDN is nothing more than a magic potion or snake oil. The reason is inexplicably or not, the fact that there is little in the way of double-blind clinical trials dealing with the positive effects of LDN for the treatment of MS. What's the reason for that? I don't know… could it be big Pharma, could it be funding, maybe there's a black cloud hanging over the drug because of its main use in medicine today. Naltrexone is an opiate antagonist, and at the usual dosage of 50 to 100 mg, is used to help people stop abusing alcohol or narcotics (opioid drugs). It works by decreasing the cravings for these substances, primarily by blocking the opiate receptors. LDN refers to the use of naltrexone at a fraction of the usual dose (4.5 mg or less).
Low dose naltrexone more commonly referred to as LDN could be a huge, untapped solution for millions of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). However, some doctors are afraid that it could be, for lack of a better term, "snake oil." The problem is that no one has really done a big, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase III type study using LDN, so we continue to lack the kind of "evidence" that physicians need to prescribe it and drug companies need to make it (currently it is only available from a compounding pharmacy, like Skip's pharmacy in Florida).
Many believe, myself included, that because LDN is so inexpensive ($90 for three month supply) pharmaceutical companies and physicians are unlikely to invest the enormous amount of capital it takes to complete a double-blinded study involving LDN. After all, we all know someone's pocketing some big money regarding the use of the IV drugs that are presently being used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
Chris Tatevosian is the author of the relationship saving MS self-help book Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me ..... Get your copy on Amazon.
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