It is with great honor that we present you with the following books. Both are a blessing to read and are filled with both Kingdom and Life Changing Principles.
Discerning the Calling of God
By: Rev. Naresh K. Malhotra PhD
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ Stars
“This book is a must-read for all those who desire to discern and follow the call of God in their lives!” ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews
God is Calling You: Discerning the Calling of God by Rev. Naresh K. Malhotra PhD is the first book in a series of two volumes “God is Calling You” (the second book in the series is “Responding to God’s Call”). These books are penned by the author to instruct, inspire, and shed light on how to biblically discern, and respond to the calling of God on one’s life. By using proven principles of learning in a uniform format, combining Scripture, and sound biblical principles that are foundational, the author provides keen Scriptural insight, reflection from his own personal experiences, and individual self-introspection that speak of the abundant life available in the Lord Jesus Christ. Each chapter contains “Quest Questions” that help lead readers to a challenge that relates to that teaching that will help readers discern and discover - the calling of God upon their own lives. Transformational, powerful, this life-changing book encourages all to walk by the power and leading of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God!
The book is based on 2 Thessalonians 1:11 (KJV), “Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.” The author has written to those that would seek to pursue God in obedience and faith. Those who desire to discern and fulfil the calling of God upon their lives will receive wonderful foundational and biblical instruction, as the author presents keen insight into scripture verses and concepts. Key Concepts are presented first, such as God’s love for you, victory over sin, and walking in love begins the book that builds a strong foundation in the Word of God, not just as a religion, but as following Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Designed with five chapters, this book is for those that are willing to follow God in all His goodness. Life-lessons, and deep spiritual and scriptural truths are revealed in each chapter. The focus is on such topics such as the calling to God’s love for you, salvation in Jesus Christ, spiritual growth, growing in grace, and discerning God’s calling. Further insight into faith and Peter’s calling exhort and bring hope in God’s calling and readers’ authority in Christ, also revealing God’s absolute faithfulness.
This calling of God encompasses every facet of one’s being and why they are here on this earth. The author has written a superb book. The author displays that God has given us all that we need to grow and mature in the grace of God to include our own God-given purpose, passion, and vision that bring joy and satisfaction in life. (John 10:10)
Both books come highly recommended as discipleship books and/or as evangelical tools for pastors, apostles, teachers, and lay Christians that want to understand the calling of God. Come and understand the calling of God upon your life in this fantastic book written to those that are willing to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior in all His fullness.
Additionally, this book comes with forewords and endorsements from many strong leaders within the Christian faith community as: Dr. Charles Stanley (Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta and In Touch Ministries), Ravi Zacharias, (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries), Doug Shaw (President/CEO International Students, Inc.), to include many more men and women.
Truly, a highly recommended must read!
For more information about Dr. Malhorta’s books and ministry may be obtained by visiting Global Evangelistic Ministries. You may obtain your copy of God is Calling You: Discerning the Calling of God at Amazon.
By: Rev. Naresh K. Malhotra PhD
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ Stars
“This book is a must-read for all those who desire to discern and follow the call of God in their lives!” ~ CBM Christian Book Reviews.
God is Calling You: Responding to the Calling of God by Rev. Naresh K. Malhotra PhD is the second book in the series “God is Calling You”. (The first in the series being God is Calling You: Discerning the Calling of God). Both are designed specifically from Scripture to learn how to first discern your calling, and then understand how to respond in passion, obedience and through faith and trust in God being led by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Reverend Naresh K. Malhotra, PhD, is a man that has followed wholeheartedly after the visions God has given him. He has created a book to reflect foundational doctrine and Scripture, revealing the grace of God and faith that offers answers to real questions like “Who am I?” and “What am I created to do?” Responding in faith to the calling of God is met by sound biblical doctrine with a uniform format combining commentary, to include examples of those in the Bible that were called by God. His book presents spiritual truths in the calling of God and relates how one is to respond in faith.
Consisting of seven chapters and focusing on responding to the calling of God, this book brings greater understanding of the grace of God upon all, the giftings, and callings that God offers. Everyone has a unique calling that was selected and chosen for you in relation to your lifestyle, family, connections, vocation, and ministry. Learn how to respond to that calling in this phenomenal book. Key concepts include learning to walk on water in the storm, stepping into your calling, God’s vision for your calling, God’s ministry of multiplication, overcoming obstacles, possessing the inheritance of your calling, and the call to continue in your calling.
Both books come highly recommended as discipleship books and/or as evangelical tools for pastors, apostles, teachers, and lay Christians that want to understand the calling of God. Come and understand the calling of God upon your life in this fantastic book written to those that are willing to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior in all His fullness.
Additionally, this book comes with forewords and endorsements from many strong leaders within the Christian faith community as: Dr. Charles Stanley (Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta and In Touch Ministries), Ravi Zacharias, (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries), Doug Shaw (President/CEO International Students, Inc.), to include many more men and women.
Truly, a highly recommended must read.
For more information about Dr. Malhorta’s books and ministry visit Global Evangelistic Ministries. You may order your copy of God is Calling You: Responding to the Calling of God at Amazon.
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