Offering a keen explanation of why living in the Spirit is so important now, believers and unbelievers alike, will come to understand the Bible in such a way that brings life and hope to all.
Book Title: The Kingdom of Christ
Authored By: Chun J. Kim
Order: ISBN#9781498414142
Book Review by CBM
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
The Kingdom of Christ by Chun J. Kim presents an easy-to-read overview of the Bible. With keen insight, the author begins with the use of Key Verses, Biblical Commentary, and the Greek root word meanings, that state that the Bible is meant for every human being.
Explaining God’s purposes, promises, and Eternity through creation, the author begins from Genesis, The Promise to Abraham and his seed, then proceeds to the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. This book helps readers understand the two kingdoms that coincide within the earthly realm and that of the spirit. Shedding light on the dimensional translation and the awakening of man’s spirit from living in the flesh (Satan’s domain) to living in the Spirit (the Kingdom of Christ), thus bringing truth and God’s Word into light. Thus, revealing God’s plans and purposes for all of mankind, this book offers an easily understood explanation of the Word of God, eternity and what that means to you.
This is an important book that explains the purpose of the Bible, the functionality of the Old and New Testament to that brings a deeper understanding of the mysteries of God in an easy readable format. The author presents basic concepts that are easily understood and splits the Bible up into several different categories such as: Purpose, Key Verses, The Word of God, God’s Promises for Eternity,Abraham and his seed, the Spirit, and the fulfillment that we have In Jesus Christ.
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