March 07, 2013
Christian author, minister and speaker, June Uzzi Daniel, releases Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God. As a Christian minister, speaker and emerging prophetic voice, June Uzzi Daniel, gives keen insight from personal experience and revelation. His God-given purpose is to assist those in Christ to walk in the revealed truth of scripture, while challenging the Church to view accepted paradigms in new ways.
Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God was designed with you in mind. You have a purpose and a destiny to fulfill. Come hear the voice of God calling you into a deeper walk with Him filled with blessings. This book is truly a faith builder that will encourage, uplift and stir up the spirit within you-empowering you to live a victorious life in Christ.
Often described of as provocative and challenging, this book will open eyes, shedding light on revealed truth and principles set forth in scripture. Discover the blessings of God and how to remain on the narrow path, one that leads to life. Beginning with the Book of Genesis, the author, answers some age-old questions such as: "Where is the garden of Eden located?" "What is the forbidden fruit?" "What lessons can we learn from the revelation of Eden? "Why is sin such a hindrance to our walk with the Lord?" The author also takes a look at the revealed truths on the blood of Jesus, and delves into the Book of Revelation to give readers a deeper understanding of sometimes much misunderstood principles and truths found in scripture.
The author has designed this book to lead others into obedience and blessings. In fact, he even guarantees that if the book does not impact your life positively within 60 days he will "cheerfully refund" your money and you can keep the book. This is an awesome guarantee and one not readily offered. Take advantage of this highly proclaimed read and take the challenge: Did the book impact your life in a positive way? Who would not want their life to be impacted in a positive way?
This book will guide you into a deeper understanding of God, His principles and promises, giving knowledge to readers that, "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes" (Romans 8:28).
For more information visit June Uzzi Daniel, at Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God. Havilah: Understanding the Mysteries of God is available at Amazon and other fime online bookstores.
June Uzzi-Daniel
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