Filled with Blessings, Encouragement and Hope - Throwing Grapes, Moving Mountains, A Devotional Journey for the Hungry Heart by Jan Hegelein

Title: Throwing Grapes
By: Jan Hegelein
Christian Book Review
Review Date: February 25, 2013
ISBN 978-1-4497-7590-2(sc)
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Throwing Grapes, Moving Mountains, A Devotional Journey for the Hungry Heart by Jan Hegelein is designed as a five-day daily devotional with scripture based lyrics and poems for the weekends.  Basing her devotionals on the Word, each devotional begins with a scripture that offers encouragement and refreshment to the thirsty soul.  Life is a journey, one that is pondered upon from day-to-day.  Take a deep breath and savor what the Lord has to offer through these inspirational devotions, designed to uplift and encourage a deeper revelation of the love God has for you.  The author has written these Spirit-led writings to help you on your journey with Christ, to build your faith and strengthen your inner man as you look to Jesus, the Lover of your soul. 

Originally compiled from inspirational pieces written for a local Bible study, these devotionals hold something special for each ear and heart.  Jan Hegelein, has listened to the Father's heartbeat throughout the book and pens them from a vantage point that many of us seek, but sometimes do not find - this vantage point is from behind the veil - in the King's Throneroom.  She speaks to the hungry heart and offers fresh manna for the day.  These faith-filled devotionals will inspire you to seek a deeper connection with your Heavenly Father to know the width, length and breadth of how much He passionately desires and longs for you to know His unconditional and unfailing love.  

For more information about the author and her book visit Jan Hegelein.

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