Have You Been Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer? Find Information Here ...

Title: I left My Prostate in San Francisco-Where's Yours?
By: Rick Redner and Brenda Redner
ISBN# 978-1449779627
Review By: CBM Christian Book Reviews
Review Date: February 7, 2013
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars

I Left My Prostate in San Francisco-Where's Yours? by Rick Redner and Brenda Redner, is written to shed light on the battle with prostate cancer, pre and post surgery.  As noted by the author and according to the American Cancer Society 241,740 men were to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the year 2012. 

This is a staggering statistic and many suffer alone.  This book is specifically written to assist those diagnosed with prostate cancer and to assist them through this difficult journey.  It has once been said that, "Experience is the best teacher."  In that spirit, Rick and Brenda Redner, break their silence and give insight on how to cope with the emotional, relational, physical, sexual and spiritual aspects of dealing with prostate surgery.  Fighting the battle of cancer, surgery and recovery is not an easy road, one that is best fought with the help of many others. 

To say that this book is very informative is actually an understatement because this book has volumes of information.  With honesty and compassion, the authors' write of Rick's experience as he went in for a routine examine and a refill for a prescription, only to find out he had a mysterious lump on his prostate.  This is where his journey with prostate cancer began that forever changed his life. 

He shares his emotions, thoughts and actions in a sometimes humorous candor, but does so with wisdom for others in hopes that the chain of isolation that many men feel when they are given this diagnosis is broken to allow for informed decisions that will lead to the path of healing.  The book competently addresses the many issues, questions and concerns that one encounters once the diagnosis of cancer is given. 

What is unique about this true encounter by the Redner's is that they give three different perspectives on the matter: the first is from their own experience with prostate cancer, the second perspective is their professional training and thirdly, their faith based biblical viewpoint is given. Each of these three perspectives gives the reader a vantage point from someone who has traversed through the journey first hand.  For anyone that has ever faced the possibility of surgery or is battling prostate cancer this is a highly recommended read that covers many questions one might have and provides one with information to make informed decisions.

To find our more about Rick Redner, Brenda Redner, and the book I left My Prostate in San Francisco-Where's Yours? visit Where Is Your Prostate. You may also get your copy of I Left My Prostate in San Francisco-Where's Yours at Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and also in Kindle Edition.

10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars

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