Over 200 Interesting and Challenging Questions - The Jesus Gospel



The Jesus Gospel is the first ever word-for-word blended chronology of the four Gospels intertwined into a single flowing text. This book painstakingly combines every single word of the record of Jesus’ life from the Bible and represents it in a comprehensive and fluid manner. 

The book also contains over 200 interesting and challenging questions with references where these questions can be answered.

For more information about the book visit 
The Jesus Gospel 

The Return of Christ Presents The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy

Designed to reflect each scripture verse and meaning - 10 powerful chapters offer an easy-to-read and understand format that consists of prayer, focus on the scripture verse, commentary, reflection notes by a leader in ministry, and your own notes, making the book an interactive journey into Scripture and application. 

This book is designed to elevate the reader into true intimacy with Christ while knowing Who Christ is in Heaven. 

The Introduction and tools on the “inner room” along with acronym tools such as A.R.K., make this book a discovery journey of how intimacy is fostered through authority, the power of the Holy Spirit, and prayer to facilitate tapping into the deep river of God, knowing Him intimately, and walking in your God-given authority as a Kingdom Priest, forgiven and washed in His Blood to overcome. 

Insights from authors and ministry leaders contribute to this book such as: Lou Engle, John Arnott, Duncan Smith, and many international leaders such as: Sarah Jane Biggart, Wes Hall, Franklyn Spence, Murray Heibert,  Steve Uppal, Dele Olowu, Dean Briggs & Carolyn Jones

Keep in mind this is the revelation from Jesus Christ given to John, his servant, by an angel that was sent to him while exiled on the island of Patmos. John testifies to the things he sees and hears, writing all down in the Word of God for us today. Understanding these truths from Scripture reveals to readers what Jesus has done for those who call upon His name and bring clarity, elevating each seeker to intimacy, authority, and power within the Word of God. 

The insight and knowledge from Scripture, alongside many who have served God as leaders and lovers of God, catapults readers into knowing their authority in Christ, as they drink deep from the river of God to spread the gospel message to others. 

A Must-Read for anyone desiring an intimate walk with Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords! A CBM Christian Book Review ~ 10.0 out of 10.0 stars.

End Time Prophecy - Mark Biltz

 Are We Living In The Last Days

 The Signs Reveal Major War Is Coming
Mark Biltz

A Comprehensive Step-By-Step Guide In Going Deeper into the Heart of God

A well-balanced book that brings enrichment and knowledge to the soul through daily Bible study, tears down strongholds and blockages of the enemy, and so much more…leading to blessings. 

Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus by Jeff Mootz teaches pivotal, individual discipleship and intimacy with Jesus through a comprehensive step-by-step guide in Going Deeper that includes an 8 Step Module. Personally interactive (also for small groups, churches, or prayer groups), this incredible book is an easy-to-read and practical guidebook that gives readers the “how to” come close to encountering Jesus! 

This is what we are all longing for. We are taught that prayer is communion with God. However, how many really do encounter the One and True Living God? This is a book that will help readers go deeper into praise, worship, and the Word, leading to encountering Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This book will lead to a genuine and deeper relationship with Jesus and mentor many spiritual mothers and fathers. 

Each module has been developed with practical reading assignments and prayer assignments. This is also an intimate discipleship tool for those who desire to become spiritual mentors. Within this book, he builds a structure that will take time through the 8 Prayer Modules of Spiritual Planning, Friendship with God, Meditation, Praying in the Spirit, Deliverance, Bible Study, Fasting, and the Throne Room ushering in a Biblical and passionate study guide bringing firm dedication to the Lord with a heart of full surrender. 

Challenging readers to look at certain heart issues brings a commitment that stems from a loving relationship with encountering Jesus. These steps are fostered on a daily basis. Communication and friendship flow with the Holy Spirit. Readers not only encounter the Lord but hear from Him themselves. This is truly an amazing study guide!

Jeff Mootz is a seasoned prayer minister and pastor with over 16 years of experience in leadership with a degree from the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. This book comes highly recommended for those that want to “go deeper” and truly know the will of the Lord and better understand His Word, and also for those that truly desire to be led by the Holy Spirit, to include the discovery of their own giftings in the Lord.

To Know Him is to love Him, to serve Him is to obey Him and only those that follow Him will be those that become spiritual mothers and fathers disciplining others and their children in the Lord. 

Title: Going Deeper:
40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus
By: Jeff Mootz
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

Get your copy of Going Deeper: 40-Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus at Amazon. For more information about the author and his ministry visit Prayer DiscipleshipYou may also order your copy of Jeff's Mootz book directly from the author at Going Deeper and at The Prayer Discipleship Shop where you can also find more information about The Going Deeper Course.

The Importance Of Christian Parenting In Todays Hi Tech World

Family Dynamics, Parenting and Children

Pastor Louise draws upon Scripture and her own experiences as a mother and grandmother to teach how to raise our children in a Godly fashion. 

For more great videos and ministry visit Louise Clayton at Lawrence Clayton on YouTube. You can also visit Louise at Bible Studies With Louise Clayton

5-Day Intensive VIP Mindset Boutique Experience For Entrepreneurs

 5-Day Intensive VIP Mindset Boutique Experience For Entrepreneurs PAY IN FULL

The 5-Day Intensive Mindset Boutique Experience is for the new generation leaders focusing on the foundation and direction of providence, and the abundant mind-estate of the leader according to God's vision, intent, and purpose [VIP].

It brings out the genius and beauty of the mind of life and business leadership the gateway for your success in the uncharted 21st Century. economy

The VIP Mindset Boutique will help leaders see their unique roles more clearly. Leaders, as never before, are going to be in the center stage of governance in the 21st Century economy.

With the challenges of population increase, economic uncertainties, and unstable nations, the 21st Century business leaders will shape the direction of the world, locally and globally.

The new generation of leaders will open new frontiers of abundance with know how they lead with their unique VIP abundance quotient.

They are the 21st arbiters who will preempt the erosion of the economy, tame inflation of life and economy, and take control of scarcity and poverty that lead to anarchy. 

The VIP Boutique Experience is the ultimate 21st leadership experience and the gateway to everything that pertains to, life, Godliness, living the VIP Life, leading in the Light, in wholeness, wellness, abundance, and surplus that influences and impacts the culture in the current and future generation.

It informs, engages, and focuses the mind as well as endearing the heart to the 21st-century CEO's Success in producing a healthy mind and a happy life.

For more information visit Abraham Joseph Products and Services.

Filled With Wisdom and Solid Biblical Background

A book that every Christian should read and delight in - Gregory A. Booker combines 2 of his past books, Seven Letters and Inspired Writings of a Prophet for Jesus the Christ into one book for better understanding of the author’s position, his mission and mandate, but more importantly to prepare the Church for these prophetic End Times that we are living in. 

Many have questions about where we are in this upside-down world. In this book you will find an easy format of 7 chapters “detailing”  7 Letters of inspirational writings inspired by the Holy Spirit that will become a vision and experience. They are not meant to replace the 7 Letters in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, as the author clearly states. He also encourages reader to “test the spirit” as the Bible speaks of to test that his writings are true to sound Biblical doctrine and teaching. 

Each letter contains “key scriptures” in which he gives a study and commentary of such insights that bring understanding to each chapter. Fascinating and intriguing the author gives an overview of each letter coupled with prophetic signs and current events, all culminating in the glorious return of Christ. With such chapters as: The Necessity of the Return of God’s Chosen People, Prophecy is Alive and Well and Israel is the Key, The Paradox of the Seventieth Week of Daniel, Ten-horned Kingdom Led by the Anti-Christ, Who is Mystery Babylon? Israel Promised Redemption and the Tribulation Saints, and The Christ and His Glorious Appearance. These are exciting times, yet if you are not a believer, you will be coming upon confusing times. The book encourages all to know and believe in Jesus, the Christ. He is coming and He is coming soon! 

Don’t miss this book! This is a prophetic book for the times we live in that is well-researched and written by someone who has studied the Word of God in great detail – offering us keen prophetic insight, so that all may be prepared and inspired during these turbulent times in history. 

A must-read, must have book for ALL! 

Title: Seven Letters Declaring the Prophetic Framework of the Return of Christ 
(Reprinted Edition)
By: Gregory A. Booker
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+stars